29 January 2008

the old woman

i was driving to school the other day at the Polytech campus. The ASU Polytech campus is about a 40 minute drive to the middle of nowhere. Half of the University property is still government land and the rest is under construction. Anyways, I was about halfway through my trip and I was caught in traffic on this road in the middle of nowhere. The sunset looked awesome over the wet desert as we've had storms the past few days as a foreshadowing of the soon coming monsoon season. What I noticed was a lady walking in between the two lanes. She had a bag flailing with her arms and she just looked lost, but as if she knew where she were going. I am going to call her Shannon.

So Shannon stopped for a minute and with a deep sigh embraced the sight of the sunset. Just cocked her head slightly and looked at it. Then she was back on her way. Arms flailing to the music in her head. And then I thought...maybe that's what resting in the LORD is. We all have our our beat and style on our journey, we have a mission and a way to go, and yet; we get times to rest with God and sigh while staring at the sunset. Needless to say, although it's been a long weekend full of hurt and too much trusting in humans, class wasn't so bad last night. And for a little bit, I felt at peace with God.

One more thing...HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY!

17 January 2008

why does rush hour have to go east on the 60 when i am going to class?!?

I had a pretty amazing end to winter break. After two weeks in Texas, I went to EDH (a town just outside of Sacramento) to spend some good quality time with my friend Katy. We got to tour the jelly belly factory, get scared by the infamous Bush man, and just chill.

After 5 days in Nor Cal, it was back to Tempe, AZ to spend 3 days cleaning the house and getting ready for school to start back up. So here I am. Day 4 into my 6th semester at ASU. This has been a crazy run so far. Normally you at least have one class on the first day that just hands out the syllabus and sends you on your way. Not so much this semester. Normally you also have a few classes that are purely test based. Again, not so much this semester. Sure there are tests, but there are also papers, journals, quizzes, discussion boards, readings...all for one of my six classes!

As of last night all of the roommates are finally moved in AND i officially changed my major to Art Studies. It's good because it allowed me to take one less hour and i may drop another class to get down to 16 for the semester. School is truly my main focus this semester so not much more is going on.

I miss my best friend so Tempe is different without her but I'll be ok.
A lot of friends got engaged over winter break..and i mean a lot of friends.
I plan on going on a 5 week mission trip over the summer that I am excited for.

01 January 2008

New Year:: New staff photography site!


i'm playing around with themes and such before i change the link to staffphotography.com again. Let me know what you think. also, if you have any photo storing and showing tips!

Oh yeah...Happy New Year!